Tobin, what a well-researched essay. I’ve been looking forward to reading more of your work since your last piece (Is Virology Science?).

I’m still reading through it (just at Part II now), but I was wondering: you focus primarily on industry-caused pollution in this piece. I imagine this also includes things like glyphosate spraying which is sadly a now common practice? This is a big concern of mine as well.

Also, would you be at all open to writing a piece for laypeople about the evidence (or lack thereof) of viruses, and how it fits into germ vs. terrain theory? You touched on these things a bit here, but it would be nice for us not-so-smart people to have something that is easily digestible to understand. I know it’s a big topic!

Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more.

-Rozali (PS-not sure if you’ve spoken with Crow recently, but I’m just manning this Substack while he is taking a lil break. I might shoot you an email to chat more).

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023Author

Rozali, great to have your comment and instant feedback! Were you the one who wrote the birthday tribute about Crow? I really appreciated that.

I've written on glyphosate before:


Yes, of course, it's a big concern. It has been shown to cause non-Hodgkins lymphoma for which there are now thousands of lawsuits against Monsanto (Bayer), but I'll bet that's not all it causes. Pesticides are generally neurotoxic, etc.

My first article on viruses was about Stefan Lanka and the measles virus trials. Have you seen it:


I don't know if that is more what you may be asking for. Check it out. But yes the subject is quite big. I am always exploring more and trying to think of better ways to communicate what I've discovered, especially to those who may be new to the subject. And I'm always willing to try again if I think of a different angle that seems like it can get the message through. Any specific questions or prompts you can give in that regard are greatly appreciated.

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I have an idea of an easy way to explain the relationship between viruses and germ vs. terrain theory:

Viruses are unproven entities that are claimed to cause disease. Bacteria, fungi, eukaryotes are real living organisms (capable of changing form, i.e. pleomorphic) that are also claimed to cause disease. But in either case the claims are not backed up with sound science and remain hypothetical. But again, big topic. i suggest watching the imbedded video on Bechamp and Terrain Theory for starters.

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I guess that's where opinions differ re: what exactly is considered 'sound science.' -- In the mainstream I've only ever seen articles about germ theory denialism.

Thanks for this breakdown. I think the above sources you shared will help as a starting point.

And yes, I'd love to repost this article! Stay tuned - I'll likely post within a week. :)

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Unfortunately, we live in the age of "science" dogma funded by corporate interests. True science is method of questioning and placing doubt upon assumptions. When toxicology is consistently ignored, one has to ask, "Why?"

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Did this ever get reposted? My Substack account had been frozen and all my subscriptions removed (technical algorithm error accusing me of spamming) so I wasn't getting Nevermore posts sent to me for a while until I resubscribed.

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Yes, that was me :)

Thanks for these links! I'll have to check them out and watch that video as well.

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I was also planning on sharing this article with Crow and telling him he's welcome to repost it.

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I sent you email to the three adresses I have but it was returned. I am your contact now in Telegram

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That's very strange. I'm glad you noted it here. I didn't get the emails and also I don't see you on Telegram.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Author

Here's an extremely interesting and detailed article on Polio, virology, and the history of modern medicine, the Rockefeller Institute, the AMA, and more.

Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud


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