It still astounds me how many celebrate the atrocities of wicked men.

Well written, few seem aware of his Free Masonic links, thanks for bringing this to the light.

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It is an absolute tragedy to read of the atrocities and genocide committed by the Marxists Lenin, Stalin and their co-conspirators during the reign of terror in Russia from 1917-1991. I know it was the effort of Zionist Jews that infiltrated and brought Russia under communist rule. Ralph Epperson in his well documented book The Unseen Hand states the subversion of Russia was planned in New York City. NYC and its occupants will have much to answer for on judgment day.

I know Stalin was incapacitated and incontinent before his death, but I never knew Lenin suffered similarly. It brings my thoughts to the passage of Scripture: whatever you sow, you will reap.

Thanks for the info.

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Thanks for your comment. I'm still trying to understand the role of Zionist Jews in all of this. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll check it out.

It's clear that certain elements in NYC were involved, as Sutton details in Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, but I doubt the common "occupants of NYC" had any idea what was going on.

It sounds like you are a Christian. I left Christianity, but I've been arguing with my mother who believes that Israel is saintly, slaughtering Palestinians is necessary because, well, you know "they're terrorists", and Zionism is God's hand at work. Do you have any recommendations of reading or other material for Christians who believe Zionism is God's work?

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My claim to judgment on NYC is a euphemism I used to refer to the collective evil committed in a coastal city which the Book of Revelation chap. 18 refers to. There are a number of coastal cities chap. 18 could refer to that traffic a high volume of merchandise across the world. This coastal city referred to in chap. 18 will eventually be judged by God and destroyed at the end of this age. I hope more sense is made of my previous claim.

As a matter of interest, in Revelation 17, we read of a dominant pseudo-Christian, or anti-Christian entity, a religious conglomerate portrayed as a woman that rides a beast. The woman is mysterious and has written across her forhead, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH". The mysterious woman, together with the world commercial enterprise, will also be judged and destroyed by God at the end of this age.

Please refer to Revelation 17 & 18 for clarity.

Zionism is certainly not God's work. For how can injury and murder be justified by God in acts of terror that Jews commit against Palestinians. If it can be justified that God permits this, then the New Testament is not true.

I do not know if you are familiar with any of Michael Hoffman's literature. A lot of his subject matter could be of interest and help to you.

Then there is the late Texe Marrs whose ministry, Power of Prophecy, exposed the atrocities committed by Zionists. His work is similar to that of Hoffman. Power of Prophecy continue to expose the evils of Zionism by someone with the same vision as Marrs.

Both Hoffman and Marrs have undergone severe persecution for their exposé of Zionist infiltration upon the nations of the world, especially on citizens in the US.

Hoffman's compilations, and other topics of interest, can be found at the link: https://www.revisionisthistory.org/ and Substack https://substack.com/@michaelhoffman

Marrs' compilations, and more, can be found under the ministry, Power of Prophecy, at the link: https://www.texemarrs.com/

Hope this will be of help.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek [Gentile]" (Romans 1:16).

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EIR is a Lyndon LaRouche publication, he has a whole movement with their own agenda.

Granted, much of their research is q persuasive...

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