β€œIn the name of the royalty of Spain, tamers of barbarian peoples, I inform you that the Holy Father, Lord of the Universe, has graciously bestowed on the King of Castille all the land of these Indies, so I require the settlers of these lands to abandon them as soon as possible, because they do not belong to them. And if you want to stay and live here, that you pay their Highnesses tribute in gold as a sign of obedience. In case of refusal or delay we will go to war against you; we will turn you into slaves, as well as your wives and children, and as such you shall be sold and removed by our king. Know also that the deaths and damages of this Just War will not be the fault of the Spaniards.”

^I've never seen a "just war" - the most "just" of them was as far as I can tell a manipulated setup for the gain of someone at the expense of humanity as a whole.

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Yes, what a horrible misnomer!!! What fault did the Indians have for this "just" war. Merely that of living peacefully in their villages.

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Apparently the idea of "just war" goes back to Augustine/Aquinas, but as far as I can tell it doesn't have anything to do with justice...I'm so confused. I cant' find anywhere in Jesus message anything to support it ever being just to kill people for not complying with Christian doctrine...I've read the bible a little and I'm pretty sure the take away was, "Sorry I'm not going to do a violent revolution, but I will show you that you are eternal beyond death....s'all about grace, man, and since everyone sucks from time to time, best not to judge and also, love your enemy and pray for those to persecute and, and who is your neighbor? It's the Samaritan." Jesus was a Jewish man who loved Palestinians and considered women equal. No wonder they killed him! Good thing he knew how to rise from the dead <3

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Great article, Tobe!

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I just discovered an article from 2022 about the Pope's visit to Canada and his apology over the abuse of Native Americans in the government-sponsored religious boarding schools.

But native people want more than just an apology. They want him to rescind the papal bulls that constitute the Doctrine of Discovery. So it looks like they see the situation clearly and are asking for what really needs to happen.


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