Study Estimates 17 Million Jab Deaths Worldwide
Based on All-cause Mortality During Covid Vaccine Rollout in the Southern Hemisphere
A new, detailed study by Denis Rancourt, et al. looked at all-cause mortality (ACM) for 17 equatorial and Southern Hemisphere countries over the last three years. Countries studied included New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, and most of South America.
This is the first rigorous data analysis I've seen quantifying the effects of vaccine rollout for countries south of the US border. Studying ACM allows quantification of events affecting a large portion of the population (i.e. events that result in larger than ordinary fluctuations in mortality). The researchers found that:
"There is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs."
Nine countries studied showed no overall excess ACM between the declaration of the "pandemic" in March 2020 and the beginning of vaccine rollout in 2021, but large spikes in mortality are seen during times of intense Covid vaccination programs in all seventeen countries, particularly for the booster shots (3rd and 4th doses).
"All 17 countries have transitions to regimes of high ACM, which occur when the COVID‑19 vaccines are deployed and administered."
The interesting part is the quantification of the inferred vaccine dose fatality rate (vDFR) from excess ACM, which although varying from country to country is found on average to be approximately 0.126%. If this percentage is extrapolated to the world population having been administered "13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023" then the number of vaccine-induced deaths worldwide is estimated at around 17 million, or one in 470 people alive. (My note: this would be in addition to the approximately 9 million deaths attributed to air pollution that occurs every year, for example. These are excess deaths above the yearly normal.)
This percentage is in line with previous findings of Rancourt, et al. for the Northern Hemisphere countries of the USA, India, and Israel.
Note also that the above percentage is an average for all age groups, but age-stratified data (available for some countries such as Peru and Chile) shows that the vDFR is lesser in the younger age groups and greater in older persons. Thus prioritization of the elderly and vulnerable for vaccination can only be said to be a way of speeding their deaths. This is the sad reality.
And it's not just that millions have died but that many more millions have been seriously injured or incapacitated.
Contrast this with official statements that vaccines are safe and effective, that vaccine-related injury is rare, and that vaccine-related deaths are one in a million and are offset by millions of lives saved.
Denis G. Rancourt is a retired, tenured Full Professor of the University of Ottowa and member of the Ottowa Civil Liberties Union. Articles by himself and his colleagues are published on various sites, including his Substack.
Tobin Owl is an independent researcher/writer. The bulk of his investigative articles can be found on his website,